Film script and storyboard draft
Opening shot. Interior. Inside a house darkly lit. Only half of body- rest behind, talking on the phone “Let me know when you hear anything, yeah, ok bye.”
4-5 seconds
Long black fade. Re fade to a close up of mouth talking into phone.
“oh my god, I,” character trembles covers mouth with phone in hand 10 seconds.
“I need to go” as person on phone ends the call another black fade.
Medium shot- character sat sobbing in the dark Head in Hands. Camera slowly pulls away from character, loosing focus then fade to black. 4-5 seconds
As fade to black comes again music begins.
Sound: Saint John – Cold war Kids. Faintly no lyrics
Whilst faded title flashes up. “Crash”, the words come up shaking as if they had crashed. 5 seconds the words “I’m sorry Tom she’s dead.”
Song finished.
New shot EXT, establishing long shot of the college dining hall, through window from the outside. 2-3 seconds
Slowly moves in on character walking towards table. 10+ seconds
Close up, Int Camera quickly cuts to a shot of character sitting down at the table however the camera is place on the table. So we only see up to about the shoulders, maybe bottom of face. No full face reveal yet. – This is too show the character has lost identity from the accident. A “Sigh”, the character picks up the knife and fork then starts to cut up the food. 6-7 seconds
Close up, mouth eating the food very slowly, long pauses of eating. 5-6 seconds
Swallows food and puts down the knife and fork, before he drops his head into his hands. 4 seconds
Shot from behind him, wide shot- medium. Showing more of the room, perhaps empty or just show a distance between him and the rest of society. 3-4 seconds.
Back to the table, the camera place on it. The boy pushed the food away from him and gets up. Head not revealed yet. 4-5 seconds.
Cuts to the bathroom scene. Black fade, then fades back in. 2-3 seconds.
Bathroom scene, people leave as he enters. The character walks past them with his head down, then walking into the stall. Camera follows him over his shoulder. Until he enters his stall 5-6 seconds.
Point of view shot from the inside of the closed stall, he looks around and up at the ceiling, then looks down into his hands as he turns them around and makes a fist with his right one then punches it into the palm of his left. 6-7 seconds.
He gets up after we hear a gulp, a indication of being sick. The shot starts as a first person, but as he gets up it seems to pull back over his shoulder, changing the shot to a over the shoulder shot. He walks towards the sink as the camera moves to the right of him, changing again into a profile shot of him hunched over the sink, gagging.
10-15 seconds.
If possible I want a reflection in the water, obviously the ripples may distort the reflection, then the character puts his hand in the water and cleans his face.
7-10 seconds
Then we have a close up of the characters face finally revealing them. The camera then zooms in on the eyes of the character. Extreme Close up 3-4 seconds.
As he blinks, we get a white cut which takes us to a flashback, I will use conventions of a flashback to portray this and make the viewers aware of this. Within the flashback we have the camera of the bonnet of the car or the dashboard looking at the driver. The driver/protagonist’s phone starts to ring. 10 seconds
Close up of phone ringing on the seat 1-2 seconds
Then a shot from were the phone is, as the driver looks down and reaches for it
2-4 seconds
Suddenly we have a shot of a girl, the camera moves towards her fast as she stands and shouts, this could be a silent scream as we can only hear the roar of the engine.
2-3 seconds
A shot of the driver as he puts his foot down, this is a medium close up 2 seconds.
As they collide we hear the crash, the screen fades to a shot of the boy with the girl, the boy desperately tries to communicate with her, however we do not hear him, only the sound of a heart monitor. The shot fades to white and back to a shot of the boys blinking eyes in the bathroom. 6-10 seconds.
The camera stays fixed on the boys eyes which blink rapidly until he is sick into the off screen sink below the camera. 3-4 seconds
A long shot of the character walking down the street towards the camera, the girl from the flashback walks towards him, her back to the camera, wearing the same clothes from the flashback. 5-6 seconds
As she walks past him we get a shot across the protagonist’s chest as he looks at her and she looks at him, blood on her face. 3-4 seconds.
The camera then rotates to the front of the character looking at the protagonist’s body as he stops and wonders. 2 seconds
We then go back to the long shot as he turns around and she is not there. 3-4 seconds.
This time a tracking shot of the character walking down the street, as he passed the bus stop we see the girl again this time our protagonist doesn’t see her. 5-6 seconds
The next shot is a medium close up of her face as she turns and looks at him, and then walks forwards and past the camera towards him. 2-3 seconds.
The next shot a medium shot of the protagonist walking towards us the girl is hidden from us because of him being in the way, but then she steps out from behind him and carries on walking towards us, following him. 4-5 seconds.
The next shot is a wide shot- similar to the style of the tracking shot, however the camera doesn’t move and the character walks of screen, the girl is gone, but we still have the boy in shot. 3-4 seconds
We then have a shot of a door, the protagonist walks onto screen and opens it. 3-4 seconds
As the door opens we cut to a shot from inside the house, so he opens the door into the camera, he drops his bag and sighs, the door is still open in which we see the girl walk by in the background. 5-6 seconds
The boy closes the door and we get a fade. 2-3 seconds
The next shot is a medium shot of the boy laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling.
3-4 seconds
He looks towards the camera which is so his side – so he is looking into the camera. 2-3 seconds
We then get a point of view shot of the clock that he was looking at.1-2 seconds it reads 10pm.