Friday, 28 January 2011

Detailed Description of the Car scene.

Detailed Description of the Car scene.

When the flashback occurs in the bathroom we are taken to the streets, we see TOM enter the car. Then we get a shot through the windscreen if possible. This would be followed from shots inside the car as the driver sets off. This can follow with shots of the car moving, shots from the front with a car driving towards the camera, shots from in between cars as the car goes by.

How I planned to show the car crash would be that the GIRL walks into the centre of the road and stands and watches the car as it approaches. Whilst this is happening we have a shot from inside the car, the phone on the seat begins to ring this can be viewed through cinematography, close ups of the mobile on the seat ringing, a reaction face as he cannot decide what to do. Eventually he reaches for it but drives over a speed bump at the same time, making him drop it into the passenger foot well.
He reaches down into the foot well to try and get it whilst he is focusing on this the girl steps into the road as mentioned above. He notices this and tries to stop the car, however he is too late. We hear the crash a cut to a new shot, I wanted to show the rim of the wheel slowly roll, the camera following it until we see TOM and the GIRL, in the street, all we can hear is either the sound of an ambulance or a heartbeat.

The scene ends with TOM holding the lifeless GIRL in the street.

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